Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Staff Directory


Photo of Keith van der Meer

Dr. Keith van der Meer


Phone: 403-381-3103

Photo of Carlie Ramotowski

Mrs. Carlie Ramotowski

Vice Principal

Phone: 403-381-3103

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Jenny Durling

Jenny Durling

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Glenna Stengler

Glenna Stengler

Administrative Support

Care Team

Photo of Cathy Kitagawa

Cathy Kitagawa

Teacher Counsellor

Photo of Jen Robinson

Jen Robinson

Student Support Worker


Photo of Angie Smid

Angie Smid

Early Learning Educator: LG 9

Photo of Carly Goruk

Carly Goruk

Kindergarten: LG 10

Photo of Michie Moline

Michie Moline

Kindergarten: LG 11

placeholder image for Shanda McKnight

Shanda McKnight

Kindergarten: LG 11

Photo of Crystal Packard

Crystal Packard

Grade 1: LG 13

Photo of Ellen Probe

Ellen Probe

Grade 1: LG 14

Photo of Kelly Jo Craddock

Kelly Jo Craddock

Gr 1: LG 15

Photo of Misti Rogers-Olson

Misti Rogers-Olson

Grade 2: LG 21

Photo of Bernadine Boulet

Bernadine Boulet

Grade 2: LG 22

Photo of Bobbie MacKinnon

Bobbie MacKinnon

Grade 2: LG 23

Photo of Jordan Logan

Jordan Logan

Grade 1/2: LG 24

Photo of Heather Reddekopp

Heather Reddekopp

Grade 3: LG 25

Photo of Jennifer Day

Jennifer Day

Grade 3: LG 26

Photo of Krista Dixon

Krista Dixon

Grade 3: LG 27

Photo of Sue Howg

Sue Howg

Grade 3: LG 28

Photo of Chris Tuck

Chris Tuck

Grade 4: LG 4

Photo of Denise Cunningham

Denise Cunningham

Grade 4: LG 6

placeholder image for Desiree Zoeteman

Desiree Zoeteman

Grade 4: LG 5

Photo of Adam Campbell

Adam Campbell

Grade 4: LG 7

Photo of Krystal Wolfram

Krystal Wolfram

Grade 5: LG 17

Photo of Dianne Rajcic

Dianne Rajcic

Grade 5: LG 18

Photo of Sarah Vandenberg

Sarah Vandenberg

Grade 5 Teacher

Photo of Josh Campbell

Josh Campbell

Grade 5: LG 20

Photo of Lynda Wilkinson

Lynda Wilkinson

Learning Support Teacher (LST)

Photo of Hudson Sheen

Hudson Sheen

Music Teacher: LG 3

placeholder image for Hillary Hironaka

Hillary Hironaka

Music Teacher: LG 3

Support Staff

placeholder image for Janice Algra

Janice Algra

Educational Assistant

Photo of Annie Bailes

Annie Bailes

Educational Assistant

Photo of Gail Clark

Gail Clark

Educational Assistant

Photo of Nikki Coleman

Nikki Coleman

Educational Assistant

Photo of Andrea Dieser

Andrea Dieser

Educational Assistant

Photo of Margaret Dyck

Margaret Dyck

Educational Assistant- EEP

Photo of Kenna Filgas

Kenna Filgas

Education Assistant

Photo of Dorita Friesen

Dorita Friesen

Speech and Language Assistant

placeholder image for Josie Hammerstedt

Josie Hammerstedt

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Katie Higdon

Katie Higdon

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Jessica Jansen

Jessica Jansen

EEP Education Assistant

placeholder image for Sandy Koberinski

Sandy Koberinski

Educational Assistant

Photo of Nathan Lowrie

Nathan Lowrie

Educational Assistant

Photo of Staci Luchyshin

Staci Luchyshin

Educational Assistant

Photo of Michelle Meyer

Michelle Meyer

Educational Assistant

Photo of Shannon Nickel

Shannon Nickel

Learning Commons Facilitator

placeholder image for Winter Publicover

Winter Publicover

Educational Assistant

Photo of Cassidy Taylor

Cassidy Taylor

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jackie Wiebe

Jackie Wiebe

Educational Assistant- EEP


placeholder image for Darren Harker

Darren Harker


placeholder image for Brooke McGinnis

Brooke McGinnis


Photo of Dean Seymour

Dean Seymour

Head Caretaker

Contact Staff Member